Teaser Image fehlt (Seiteneigenschaften->Reiter
- Plan your visit
- Museum
- Museum virtuell
- Bremen cog
- Museum harbor
- Steam shunting crane
- Steam Hammer
- ELBE 3
- Electric semi-gantry crane
- Oder-Haffkahn EMMA
- Dutch bascule bridge
- Lantern from lightship FEHMARNBELT
- Original quay walls of the Old Port
- Propeller of the tanker Varicella
- Chimney of the nuclear energy research ship OTTO HAHN
- Seamen's arm
- Storm tide pole
- Unterfeuer Sandstedt
- Walter-drive for submarines
- Wasserschout
- Water level indicator
- compass rose
- Hydrofoil WSS 10
- deep-sea salvage tug SEEFALKE
- Bremen cog
- Museum harbor
- Steam shunting crane
- Steam Hammer
- ELBE 3
- Electric semi-gantry crane
- Oder-Haffkahn EMMA
- Dutch bascule bridge
- Lantern from lightship FEHMARNBELT
- Original quay walls of the Old Port
- Propeller of the tanker Varicella
- Chimney of the nuclear energy research ship OTTO HAHN
- Seamen's arm
- Storm tide pole
- Unterfeuer Sandstedt
- Walter-drive for submarines
- Wasserschout
- Water level indicator
- compass rose
- Hydrofoil WSS 10
- deep-sea salvage tug SEEFALKE
- Museum virtuell
- Education
- Angebote für Kitas und Schulen
- Didaktisches Material
- Projekte mit dem DSM
- Auf zu neuen Ufern - Angebote für Sekundarstufe 1 und 2
- Schätze des Meeres – 5. bis 9. Klasse
- Schiffe im Geo-Ökosystem – 10. bis 13. Klasse
- Schiffswelten – 7. bis 13. Klasse
- Warum schwimmt ein Schiff? - Angebot für 5. bis 10. Klasse
- Orientierung auf See und zu Land – 6. bis 8. Klasse
- Klar Schiff machen: Sprichwörter aus der Seefahrt - 5. bis 10. Klasse
- Education
- Von der Kogge bis zum Walfängerboot – 5. bis 13. Klasse
- Ein Handelsschiff im Mittelalter – 5. bis 13. Klasse
- Angebote für Grundschulen - Kurs aufs Museum
- Kita-Angebote - Komm an Bord
- Offers for daycare centres and schools
- Offers for adults
- Wie wir arbeiten
- Angebote für Kitas und Schulen
- Science
- Scientific Team
- Main areas of research
- Research projects
- Digital Capture of Collection Objects
- Participation and digitality in the museum
- Protecting Antarctic cultural heritage
- Ship Recycling in Northern Germany
- Disasters at sea and maritime culture of remembrance in the 20th and 21st centuries
- Kulturelle Teilhabe im Museum II
- Waste in motion
- Waste in motion
- Maritime Digital Twins
- The History of the German Maritime Observatory, 1875–1945
- The submarine as an object of human creative power
- Seefahrende im Gespräch
- Suneha Gadpande, Indien
- Peter Podest, Panama-Kanal, Panama
- Pawan Kumar, Indien
- Otto Böhme, Wilhelmshaven, Deutschland
- Nilson F. Santos, Santos, Brasilien
- Nadja Köppen, Bremen, Deutschland
- Michael Kolesnichenko, Odessa, Ukraine
- Koffi Olympio, Lomé, Togo
- Katja Paulat, Emden, Deutschland
- Fermin Reyes, Panama-Kanal, Panama
- Anke Wiedau, Hamburg, Deutschland
- Amnart Homsudcha, Narvik, Norwegen
- Seefahrende im Gespräch
- Cruising across Centuries: Social Inequality and Employment at Sea
- North German Lloyd Colonial History Research Project
- Digital Materialities: Virtual and Analogue Forms of Exhibiting Museum Artefacts
- LIFTProv - The handling of Jewish emigrants' resettlement goods in Hamburg
- Relocation goods confiscated in Bremen ports
- DSM participates in new research project
- German research ships in the 20th century
- Research Object "Bremen Cog"
- Orchestration of maritime power in the German Empire
- Interests at Work – Work conditions in shipbuilding
- Maps - seas. New research project on nautical charts at DSM (Kopie 1)
- Provenance research at the German Maritime Museum: An old engine and its history in the NS era
- Shipping, biodiversity and globalisation
- NAVI for research museums
- Perspectives of maritime art
- Provenance research
- Between North Sea and Norwegian Sea
- The Research Association for Historical Authenticity
- Take part in the research
- Library
- Digital Museum
- Participation
- About us
- Leibniz Association
- News
- With OSIRIS to the joint collection
- Gebaut, um entdeckt zu werden
- Call for applications: Maritime Cultural Heritage Award wanted
- A Tribute to Franco-German Friendship
- Certificate of rescue of shipwrecked persons
- Archive of the month: Memories of China 1900/1901
- Archive of the month: First circumnavigation of the island of Tasmania - The Kaart van Basses Straat
- Dissertation on the preservation of the cog published
- Teilnahme am Blue Earth Summit
- Archival item of the month: Christening of the heavy salvage tug SEEFALKE from 1924
- Object of the month: The masterpiece of a wave system
- Call for contributions: Exhibiting the Sound of History: Practice and theory of acoustic historical research and communication
- Archival item of the month: The Carta Marina and the history of the Nordic peoples of Olaus Magnus
- Archivalie des Monats: Plakat „Nordseebad Helgoland“
- Archival item of the month: Nautical chart Paskaart vande Iade, Weser en Elve
- Nachbericht: Workshop "Late medieval sea vessels in Northern Europe"
- Objekt des Monats: Kopiergerät, Garderobe, Hygieneset - das Schreibpult des Georg Friedrich Averdieck (1774-1839)
- Archive of the month: The bookseller Paul Lachmann
- Baustellen-Bullauge: Neue Ausstellung für den Erweiterungsbau
- Archival item of the month: Emergency money for the "German-Hanseatic Colonial Remembrance Day"
- Awarded the Ritter Memorial Fellowship
- Archival item of the month: The tug PLANET
- Archival item of the month: Hand drawings by Themistokles von Eckenbrecher
- Call for Papers: 100 Years Research at Sea. The History of METEOR I
- Archive of the month: The ship's log of the ISABEL/YSABEL
- Archive of the month: Menu from aboard the passenger steamer BREMEN IV
- Workshop: Late medieval sea vessels in Northern Europe
- International Lecture Series: Ocean Humanities
- Archive of the Month: The Tethered Balloon Ascent of the First German Antarctic Expedition
- Archive of the month: General plan of RAU IX
- Workshop report: „Blue Economy and the SDGs: Working together for a better Future in the Blue Economy”
- Archive of the month: etching by Max Liebermann
- Die Wege der Objekte
- Archive of the month: Seafaring book of the stoker Käthe Franck
- Online Workshop: “Sustainable Development Goals: Working Together for a Better Future in the Blue Economy”
- Filmprojekt: Raabe stellt vor...
- Zukunftstag 2023 im DSM
- Archive of the Month: The Diary of Caroline von Aschen
- The engine journal of the Bremen icebreaker DONAR
- Knowledge through Digitized Material? - Objects, Images, Perspectives
- Call for Papers: The paths of objects
- Nachbericht: „Tag der Wissenschaft: Forschen und Ausstellen am DSM“
- Kulturbericht 2022 des DSM
- James Cook in the Southern Ocean or The "Carte de l'Hémisphère Austral
- Archive of the month: photos of the small cruiser MEDUSA
- Archive of the Month: From New York to Bremen 1859
- Flößerei wird Immaterielles Kulturerbe
- Prof. Dr. Heinz Schilling zu Gast im DSM
- Zwei Millionen für die GRÖNLAND
- Tag der Bibliothek: Bücher zum Gruseln
- Call for Papers: Research Expeditions to India and the Indian Ocean in Early Modern and Modern Times
- Researcher from India at the DSM
- A Civil Ocean – A Naval Space
- Mitgliederversammlung des Fördervereins 2022
- Das Projekt Ocean Future Lab
- Looking Back to the Future: Shipwrecks and Museum Artifacts
- Digital Panel Discussion
- Kulturbericht 2021
- Prof. Dr. Ruth Schilling is the new Managing Director of the German Maritime Museum
- FSJ: A given year
- Interview with visiting scientist Lisa Hilli
- Interview with the quest scientist Siobhan Cooke
- Parau & Abot (foreign ships & boats)
- Online-Workshop on Controlled Vokabularies
- Pupils: inside project on the topic of globalization
- Veranstaltungsnachbericht: Arbeitskulturen im Wandel - Werften im Zeichen von Migration und Globalisierung
- Bastelanleitung für Papierschiffchen
- Research Colloquium on Modern History
- Book a Scientist from the German Maritime Museum
- Online Workshop
- Task Force Maritime redevelops RAU IX
- International Conference: A Civil Ocean – A Naval Space
- Workshop: Historische technische Instrumente.
- Conference: The handling with removal goods of Jewish emigrants in European harbors30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- MAPS KNOWLEDGE SEA: Film project by students
- North German Lloyd in the Colonial Era: A Search for Traces in the German Maritime Museum
- Long Night of Culture on September 4, 2021
- Podcast: Schiffelauschen
- Timeless treasures with sentimental value
- Workshop: Digitization in Exhibition and Research - Minutes
- Ships reopen
- 8 June 2021: Oceans Day
- Workshop: Digitization in Exhibition and Research
- A MAZE. Museum Online Game Jam
- Sensibilität und Spürsinn
- Cast off - the HEINCKE sails on a research expedition
- The Naval Shipworm Teredo navalis
- Book a Scientist
- Exotinnen in einer Männerdomäne - Frauen im Schiffbau
- Schulklassen gesucht!
- Virtual Conference: Seeing the "Other"? - Theories & Histories of (Post-)Colonial Visual Cultures
- Kulturbericht 2020
- Ein Herz für Gäste
- Horizont um einige Seemeilen erweitert
- Hörspiel „Forschen auf See“
- Keine normale Schreibmaschine: Die Enigma
- Willkommen daheim, POLARSTERN!
- Fliegende Schiffe
- Terra X: Mythos Nordsee
- DSM künftig nachts im Licht
- Science Circle Lecture: Exhibiting the Ocean - Communicating Global Challenges
- Forschungsexpedition in den eigenen vier Wänden
- Chance: Scharoun-Bau. Das historische Potenzial eines organischen Gebäudes entdecken.
- Karten Wissen Meer. Globalisierung vom Wasser aus
- Umfrage zum Museumsbesuch während der Corona-Pandemie
- Online workshop "From Ship to Coast: Blue Economy and Sustainable Livelihoods"
- Kogge trifft PLAYMOBIL - Ein Aufbautagebuch
- 360° POLARSTERN – Virtual research experience at home
- Mitgliederversammlung des Fördervereins DSM e.V. wird verschoben
- The Future Weekend at DSM
- Maritime literature suggestions in the Corona period
- Children, cogs and boxes full of creativity
- The Future Weekend at DSM
- The changing German Maritime Museum
- Current foyer exhibition on the subject of tides
- The logbook of a whaler
- Foyer exhibition on whaling (2)
- Tide Calculator
- Current foyer exhibition on whaling
- Humans and sea: ships and maritime technologies
- History
- Architecture
- Team
- Dr. Lucas Haasis
- Rosemarie Brikmanis-Brückner
- Felicitas Blanck
- Mohammad Abu Al Hasan
- Tülin Fidan
- Anja Binkofski
- Dr. Jessica Adolf
- Martin Claus
- Prof. Dr. Ruth Schilling
- Matthias Templin
- Prof. Dr. Sebastian Vehlken
- Dr. Marleen von Bargen
- Dr. Sven Bergmann
- Christine Bigley
- Vyacheslav Bondarenko
- Dr. Katharina Bothe
- Bernd Darter
- Nicolas Dittgen, M.A.
- Arman Džaferagić
- Tobias Goebel
- Gabriella Gonçalles
- Dr. Philipp Grassel
- Stefanie Herz
- Dr. Isabella Hodgson
- Dennis Hoffmann
- Niels Hollmeier
- Erik Hoops
- Thomas Joppig
- Luca Junge
- Susanne Kiel
- Dr. Katrin Kleemann
- Tina Krämer
- Dr. Lars Kröger
- Simon Kursawe
- Karolin Wiskandt
- Annica Müllenberg
- Annika Opitz
- Dr. Christian Ostersehlte
- Deike Reddig
- Lisanne Rinke
- Cornelia Riml
- Aleksander Soliński
- Jana Schäfer
- Birgit Schindler
- Dr. Angela Sommer
- Britta Steffens
- Birte Stüve
- Dr. Frederic Theis
- Nils Theinert
- Boards
- Leibniz Association
- Contact