Rosemarie Brikmanis-Brückner

“The removal of barriers and obstacles, the idea of participation, including in the cultural sphere, and a self-determined life for everyone are matters close to my heart. In order to achieve this, I believe it is essential to develop solutions together with the people affected. I consider this to be my innermost concern. Freely following Albert Schweitzer's thought that people are people, regardless of their individual being. The DSM Bremerhaven is constantly working to make its cultural offerings understandable and attractive for everyone, and I am delighted to now be part of this team.”

Rosemarie Brikmanis-Brückner, Cultural Participation


Current projects

    Advising the DSM with regard to co-creation processes in the creation of inclusive educational programs
    Supervision of the inclusive experts, Cultural Diversity team
    Representation of the projects at conferences, meetings and transfer events





Rosemarie Brikmanis-Brückner 


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