Dr Lucas Haasis
„The DSM seamlessly blends venerable tradition with state-of-the-art research, interdisciplinarity with specialised knowledge, the materiality of history with the digital innovations of the 21st century, and the internationality of maritime cultures with local educational initiatives within the museum. For me, this is the ideal environment to develop creative, future-oriented projects that bridge past and future.“
Dr. Lucas Haasis, Senior Researcher
About the Person
Lucas Haasis is a historian and senior researcher specialising in digital maritime cultures. His research focuses on maritime global history during the long 18th century, addressing maritime history and mobility, with a particular focus on imprisonment aboard ships, the materiality of history, public history and digital humanities. Haasis earned his doctorate at the Oldenburg University through a microhistorical study on merchant culture and epistolary practice in the 18th century. He previously served as a lecturer in early modern history and games in Oldenburg, and as research coordinator and PR manager for the German-British Prize Papers Project. As an expert on the collection and on the internationalisation of digitisation projects, Haasis is currently pursuing projects at the DSM on the global history of an 18th century merchant ship from Bremen and on prisoner letters using digital methods. In the field of public history, Haasis runs the Gamelab in the Villa Geistreich.
Current research projects
The Bremen Concordia – An International Maritime Public History of the 18th Century
The Voices of the Prisoners - Exploring Prisoners' Letters in the Digital Age
Dr. Lucas Haasis
Social Media
Fotocredit: Robert Green
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2025 | Senior Researcher for Digital Maritime Cultures in the Program Area Ships as Stores of Knowledge | |
2018-2024 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Coordinator and PR manager of the Academy Project Prize Papers (Oldenburg University / The National Archives, UK) | |
2014-2024 | Lecturer at the Institute of History, Oldenburg University, Dissertation: The Power of Persuasion. Becoming a Merchant in the 18th Century | |
2016 | Award for Excellence in Teaching in the category Research-Based Learning | |
2015 | Research Fellow German Historical Institute London | |
2011-2014 | Research Fellow DFG Research Training Group 1608/1 Self-Making. Practices of Subjectivation in Historical and Interdisciplinary Perspective, Oldenburg University | |
2010-2011 | International Master, University of Uppsala, Sweden | |
2009-2011 | Study of European History at the University of Oldenburg, Master of Arts 2011
Haasis, Lucas. The Power of Persuasion. Becoming a Merchant in the 18th Century. Bielefeld 2022 / Open Access 2024, https://doi.org/10.1515/9783839456521
Edited Volumes
Barth, Steffen / Haasis, Lucas / Kratz, Philipp (Hrsg.). Digitale Geschichtskultur. Geschichte Lernen Nr. 223/2025.
Brandenburg, Aurelia / Van Beek, Alan / Haasis, Lucas (Hrsg.). Zeitenwende: Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zum Spiel Pentiment, Beiheft 46 von Mittelalter. Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Rezeptionsgeschichte. Münster / München / Leipzig 2024, https://doi.org/10.58079/128wi
Haasis, Lucas / Rieske, Constantin (Hrsg.). Historische Praxeologie. Dimensionen vergangenen Handelns. Paderborn 2015, https://doi.org/10.30965/9783657781218
Articles (Selection)
Haasis, Lucas. „Materielle Kultur eines Kaufmanns auf Reisen: Kleidung, persönliche Objekte und Weltläufigkeit in einem Auslagenbüchlein von 1738-42.“ In Grenzenlos? Weltläufigkeit in der Frühen Neuzeit, hrsg. von Andreas Tacke und Regina Dauser, 140–149. Petersberg 2025.
Haasis, Lucas / Dagmar Freist. “Die Prize Papers. Produkt und Zeugnis von globalen Konfrontationen, Kolonialismus und Verflechtungen in der Frühen Neuzeit (1652–1815).” Globalgeschichte / Global History 1 (2023): 77–106, https://doi.org/10.13173/GG.1.1.077
Haasis, Lucas. “Ein Hamburger Kaufmann auf Etablierungsreise in Frankreich. Ambitionen, Praktiken und Kolonialhandel im Spiegel einer Geschäftskorrespondenz der Jahre 1743–1745.” Francia 50 (2023): 281–305, https://doi.org/10.11588/fr.2023.1.107957.
Haasis, Lucas. “Buying Patience: Ordering and Purchasing Wedding Jewellery and Furniture through Intimate Networks during Eighteenth-Century Mercantile Marriage Initiation and Preparation.” Itinerario 46, no. 3 (2022): 356–70. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0165115322000262
Haasis, Lucas. “The Writing Seamen. Learning to Write and Dictating Letters on Board the Bremen Ship Concordia.” In Das Meer. Maritime Welten in der Frühen Neuzeit / The Sea: Maritime Worlds in the Early Modern Period, edited by Peter Burschel and Sünne Jüterczenka, 297–310. Cologne/Weimar/Vienna 2020. https://doi.org/10.7788/9783412513122.297
Committee and Memberships
- Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands e.V.
- Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd)
- Gesellschaft für Globalgeschichte e.V.
- READ-Coop Transkribus
- Open History e.V.
- Unlocking History Team Letterlocking
- Research Network on the Early Modern Paper Trade in Europe
- Community Interest Group Correspondence: Transhistorical Perspectives
- BASQEGO project: New approaches to the History of the Languages of the Basque Country
- Associate Researcher DiViAS: Digitalisierung, Visualisierung und Analyse von Sammlungsgut
- Research Working Group Games and Digital Humanities