REMARCO means Remediation, Management, Monitoring and Cooperation addressing North Sea Sea UXO

After decades in the sea water, ammunition shells from World Wars are in different stages of degradation. Leaking toxic and carcinogenic compounds have been found surrounding war wrecks and dumping sites. Apart from the risk of uncontrolled explosions, samples taken in marine expeditions and laboratory analyses found leaked toxic compounds also in biota that explained health impairments of exposed organisms. These results are leading to marine food safety concerns.

There is no common systematic approach to assess or to implement the monitoring and remediation measures needed to mitigate hazards. These hazards do not stop at borders and require a strategy of transnational dimension, moving from the North Sea Wrecks project analytic approach to remediation.

REMARCO aims to reduce pollution and contribute to marine ecosystem protection by:

  • increasing the capacity of authorities with a systematized risks assessment strategy within the MFSD and enhanced methodology
  • promoting the adoption of transnationally validated remote and automated solutions for NSR authorities and supra-national bodies to monitor and remediate risks
  • promoting a change of behaviour of responsible stakeholders leading to the improvement of policy instruments.

To make the proposed change happen, we structure the work into experimental development activities, surveying & laboratory analysis of toxic compounds, test solutions in selected locations, strategies and policy recommendations, promotion and lobbying activities for reaching decision makers.

The REMARCO consortium consists of:

  • a multidisciplinary partnership of universities, research organizations, state agencies and private companies to reinforce necessary competences to carry out the work plan, and
  • a high-level Advisory Board to widen the geographical coverage and involve stakeholders like Ministries and Navies ensuring the political influence necessary for the project aim and intensifying the cooperation with international organizations like OSPAR.

REMARCO consists of three larger Work Packages (WPs):


Objective: Pilot and compare new and existing monitoring and remediation techniques to identify the most effective and efficient ones and assess the impact. Experimental development of new remote techniques and approaches improving efficiency and safety of operations.

WP2: WRECKNS Software as a Service platform

Objective: Increase the capacity of marine and coastal management authorities and blue growth business for managing risk areas regarding wrecks & munition


Objective: Promote a policy change in the Member States and supranational bodies (EU and international) concerning monitoring options for encountered munitions and leaking toxic compounds and marine food safety.

Role of the German Maritime Museum (DSM) in the project:

In WP3, the DSM takes on the task of using innovative methods and tools such as citizen science and hybrid forums to stimulate and disseminate a public dialogue on the topic of munitions in the sea and potential remediation solutions in the North Sea area. In this respect, it adds a social science and citizenship dimension to the project, while the qualitative data thus obtained will also be made usable for the WP 2 Software Service Platform.

Funded by Interreg North Sea Programm 2023-2027





Contact person

Project management at the DSM

Dr. Sven Bergmann


Research assistant

Tülin Fidan


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