
Our exhibits at a glance


Welcome aboard! The GRÖNLAND under sails

Every sailing trip with the GRÖNLAND is a special event for the crew. There is also a lot to do…

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Around the model of the fast steamer KAISER WILHEM DER GROSSE you can see how passenger…

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The fragment of a Zeesboat does not only look like a wreck: The coastal fishing boat became a…

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SEEHUND (Smallest submarine)

The small submarine type XXVII was used in the last year of the Second World War. Discover the…

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deep-sea salvage tug SEEFALKE

The powerful and fast deep-sea salvage tug SEEFALKE was put into service in 1924 with complete…

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Shipbuilding section - an interactive installation

The shipbuilding section is one of our museum offers for families and visitors, with a focus on…

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Planet Sea

Discover in our future exhibition "Planet Meer" the global influences and conditions of…

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Lifeboat PAMIR

We invite you to visit the lifeboat of the cargo sailing ship PAMIR, symbol of one of the most…

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In the new installation on research shipping at the German Maritime Museum in Bremerhaven,…

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The paddle steamer MEISSEN is an impressive large object, which can also be viewed in the…

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Silver model of the IMPERATOR

We invite you to visit the impressive silver model of the passenger steamer IMPERATOR in our…

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Tidal calculator

One of the oldest German computers is preserved in the German Maritime Museum in Bremerhaven.

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Triple-Expansion Steam Engine

The steam engine will be on display in the future exhibition in the Ship and Equipment section.…

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Commercial submarine GERMANY

During the First World War, merchant submarines were supposed to render the British trade…

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Ribbon of ship models

The ribbon of ship models runs as a red thread through the museum's exhibition. It tells the…

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Hydrofoil WSS 10

Die WSS 10 wurde nach dem Schiffbauingenieur F. H. Wendel benannt. Da sich dieses…

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compass rose

The compass rose in the outdoor area of the German Maritime Museum is one of the largest of its…

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Water level indicator

Since 1903, the water level indicator has been located on the Weser dyke and showed the water…

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1897 wurde das Gebäude als bremisches Zollhaus an der ehemaligen Schleuse zum Alten Hafen…

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Walter-drive for submarines

The "Technikmuseum U-Boot Wilhelm Bauer" donated this replica of a Walter drive for submarines…

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Unterfeuer Sandstedt

The navigation mark "Front light Sandstedt" was built in 1898 and stood on the dike near…

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Storm tide pole

Der eichene Sturmflutpfahl, erinnert an die ständige Gefahr, die der Küstenlandschaft und ihren…

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SEUTE DEERN museum ship

Discover the SEUTE DEERN museum and restaurant ship in our museum harbour. The wooden barque…

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Seamen's arm

Der international bekannte Künstler Stephan Balkenhol hat die Skulptur Seemannsarm für das…

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Chimney of the nuclear energy research ship OTTO HAHN

Dieser Schornstein gehörte zur OTTO HAHN, als sie von 1968 bis 1977 als Forschungsschiff und…

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Propeller of the tanker Varicella

The four-blade propeller belonged to the British Shell tanker VARICELLA, which was built in…

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Pontoon bridge

Als im Süden des Freigeländes ein Teil der westlichen historischen Kaimauer freigelegt wurde,…

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The concrete hull ship PAUL KOSSEL was built in 1920 as a motor tug in the Bremen branch of the…

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Original quay walls of the Old Port

Die aus der Gründungszeit des Hafens erhaltene Kaimauer ist ein wichtiges Zeugnis der…

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Lantern from lightship FEHMARNBELT

Die Laterne des Feuerschiffes FEHMARNBELT stand auf einem 16 m hohen Mast und war daher in…

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Dutch bascule bridge

The drawbridge, a steel construction, was built on the Dutch model in 1977/78 and connects the…

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Used on the Elbe in Hamburg, the Weser and inland waters of Berlin, HELMUT has already seen a…

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Harpoon gun was used for whaling in 1889

The new exhibition at the Maritime Museum shows a harpoon gun that was used for whaling during…

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Harbour bell

The task of the harbour bell was to warn the ships of the surge if the lock gates were…

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The oldest German polar research vessel is the GRÖNLAND. The one-master from 1867 is not only…

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Oder-Haffkahn EMMA

The owner Paul Raddatz transported gravel or grain with the Oder barge EMMA until 1992: either…

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Electric semi-gantry crane

Bereits 1925 wurde der Drehkran von der Bremerhavener Eisenwerk AG hinter dem Weserdeich in…

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Built as a station ship for the estuary of the Eider, ELBE 3 subsequently served as a lightship…

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Als eines von drei Schiffen segelte und gewann die DIVA 1985 unter dem Skipper Berend Beilken…

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Steam Hammer

Dieser mittelgroße Dampfhammer stammt von der ehemaligen Bremer Vulkan-Werft in Vegesack und…

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Steam shunting crane

Thanks to its all-wheel drive, the steam shunting crane was able to pull two to three loaded…

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The STIER is a tugboat that towed and manoeuvred ships in Bremen harbours. The harbor tug with…

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Explore the eventful history of RAU IX. Go on board to get an idea of working conditions and…

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