Online Workshop “Sustainable Development Goals"
Freitag, 29.9.2023 /14 bis 17 Uhr (UK Time 13 bis 16 Uhr) / Online-Workshop
Zugang: Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/95855991118?pwd=dllUOEhQa2xyTGk2OVhIamlsa1BDUT09 / Registrierung bis 28.9.2023 bei Dr. Katharina Bothe unter bothe@dsm.museum
Gemeinsam mit der Brunel University London, der University of Birmingham und der Royal Holloway University of London organisiert das Deutsche Schifffahrtsmuseum den englischsprachigen Workshop “Sustainable Development Goals: Working Together for a Better Future in the Blue Economy”, für den sich Fachpublikum bis zum 28. September noch anmelden kann.
The Blue Economy, which is estimated to value at $3 trillion and will support approx. forty million jobs by 2023, is a twenty-first-century imperative for the global community. It combines the views of oceans and seas as areas of entrepreneurial opportunity, growth, industrialisation, and development, on the one hand, and as vulnerable spaces that need to be protected and safeguarded, on the other hand. The Blue Economy promotes sustainable growth of ocean-related industries while improving the lives of communities and people in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As the oceans and seas are under increasing pressure, embracing a holistic view of the multiple priorities associated with shift towards sustainability in the maritime world, and affecting society, economy, technology, and education worldwide is essential. Business and policy initiatives should go beyond the relatively narrow scope of SDG 14 Life Below Water which pertains to the sustainable use of the oceans and marine resources, and include aspects such as water and sanitation (SDG 6), resilient infrastructures (SDG 9), decent work (SDG 8), gender equality (SDG 5), poverty reduction (SDG 1), and sustainable consumption (SDG 12).
This online workshop (Zoom) brings together corporate leaders, entrepreneurs, policy experts, and NGOs, as well as management researchers, to discuss the 17 UN SDGs concerning practices in companies across industries in the Blue Economy, such as shipping, fishing, port management, marine aquaculture, and blue investments. Open questions are, for example: How are the SDGs prioritised and integrated into businesses’ strategic agendas? To what extent do the SDGs complement each other, or do tensions and trade-offs exist between them? What innovations are needed to implement the SDGs in business operations? How do national and international regulations affect businesses’ implementation of the SDGs and the pursuit of sustainable growth?
The workshop seeks to pool expertise and first-hand experiences from diverse areas and industries in the Blue Economy to apply the SDGs and develop locally grounded, globally impactful strategies that improve business practices and operations. We aim to establish a network of like-minded people to enhance knowledge transfer, map out best practices and tools, and explore alternative views and solutions.
14:00-14:15 CEST | Welcome Introduction and aim of the workshop
Moderator: Carolin Decker-Lange, Brunel University |
14:15-14:45 CEST | Keynote Speech:
Anne Marieke Eveleens, Co- Founder, The Great Bubble Barrier, The Netherlands
Q&A and discussion
Moderator: Katharina Bothe, German Maritime Museum |
14:45-15:25 CEST | The UN SDGs and Work Practices in the Blue Economy
Flash Talks Simone Smith-Godfrey, Maritime Specialist, South African International Maritime Institute, South Africa Sebastian Dießner, Captain and Vice President, Association of German Masters and Ship’s Officers, Germany
Moderator: Knut Lange, University of Birmingham |
15:25-15:30 CEST | Break |
15:30-16:10 CEST | Achieving Sustainability in the Blue Economy
Flash Talks Heidi Prislan, Adviser, Commonwealth Blue Charter, UK Aparna Roy, Fellow and Lead Climate Change and Energy, Observer Research Foundation, India
Moderator: Carolin Decker-Lange, Brunel University |
16:10-16:50 CEST | Best Practices for a Sustainable Future
Flash Talks Dietrich Schulz, Maritime Specialist and Organizer, The Blue Convention, Germany Anne Mallach, PhD Candidate, University of Bremen, Germany
Moderator: Paul Caussat, Royal Holloway University London |
16:50-17:00 CEST | Wrap up
Moderator:Paul Caussat, Royal Holloway University London |