Exhibitions archive


    Archive of our exhibitions

    Museum habour

    03.06.2022 - 31.07.2022

    HANNES RICKLI: Listening to Data. How the environment gets…

    HANNES RICKLI: Listening to Data. How the environment gets into the computer

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    25.02.2022 - 31.07.2022

    Photo exhibition INTO THE ICE- The MOSAiC expedition in…

    Photo exhibition INTO THE ICE- The MOSAiC expedition in pictures

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    25.02.2022 - 31.07.2022

    CHANGE NOW - Ships change the world

    CHANGE NOW - Ships change the world

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    11.08.2021 - 15.08.2021

    Special exhibition: RAUM FÜR VERMUTUNGEN Of finding and…

    Special exhibition: SPACE FOR ASSUMPTIONS Of finding and inventing

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    18.04.2021 - 28.02.2022

    Open-air exhibition "Seeing the Other? The colonial Gaze"

    An intervention and exhibition in the Rotunda in the Museumshafen in collaboration with…

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    11.08.2021 - 30.06.2027

    Toxic Legacies of War- North Sea Wrecks

    Toxic Legacies of War - North Sea Wrecks

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    03.04.2021 - 03.10.2021

    Cocoa, Coffee, Tobacco - Intoxicants in the Past

    Ports have served as transshipment points for narcotics of all kinds for centuries.

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    25.11.2020 - 14.03.2021

    Maps Knowledge Sea - Globalization from the water

    How has map-making and map-reading shaped and changed man's view of the oceans?

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    17.05.2019 - 01.11.2020


    A virtual research trip on the POLARSTERN! Learn more ...

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    15.11.2019 - 01.11.2020

    SEA CHANGES - World & Sea in transition

    Climate change is currently one of the most discussed problems of mankind.

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    Digital exhibition "Open Histories"

    Digital exhibition "Open Histories"

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    26.06.2020 - 25.10.2020

    Cog meets PLAYMOBIL

    The story of a ship retells. For four months - from 26 June to 25 October - the existing…

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    05.09.2015 - 04.09.2016

    1975-2015: Ships tell museum (hi)story(s)

    The German Maritime Museum opened its doors on 5 September 1975. Exactly 40 years later, a…

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    23.05.2015 - 01.01.2017

    ...through the storms bad weather - 150th anniversary

    On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung…

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    07.11.2016 - 31.03.2018

    8 Objects 8 Museums

    A simultaneous exhibition of the Leibniz Research Museums

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    13.05.2018 - 01.07.2018

    Do you want to go sailing with me?

    Sailing is a fascinating interplay of man, nature, technology and sometimes an adventure. We…

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    19.08.2018 - 15.12.2018

    Heritage Year "Zahn der Gezeiten"

    On the occasion of the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018, we are presenting important…

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    Person mit Traditionsschmuck.

    Points of View

    Points of View

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