SEA CHANGES - World & Sea in transition
It is one of the most important research vessels in the world - the POLARSTERN. For 37 years, the icebreaker has provided new insights into the climate, oceans and polar regions. The German Maritime Museum / Leibniz Institute for Maritime History (DSM) is bringing the landmark of polar research to life from 17 May 2019 to 31 March 2020 with an exhibition that has never been seen in this form before.
Visitors to the exhibition can enjoy a 360-degree tour of POLARSTERN with 360-degree photographs. "The exhibition also provides a preview of the new concept of our museum," says Prof. Dr. Sunhild Kleingärtner, Managing Director of the German Maritime Museum, with a view to the transformation phase that will last until 2021. "We want to combine historical exhibits with digital knowledge transfer and make maritime research an experience.
A digitized ship model and exclusive photos of the ship, the bridge or from the engine room, laboratories or the famous Blue Salon
Exclusively for the POLARSTERN exhibition, a team from the Playersjourney agency filmed various areas of the ship in 360-degree technology. At the three exhibition stations Driving, Exploring and Living, visitors can explore these areas with the help of virtual reality glasses. Augmented reality glasses are another attraction that mixes the exhibition space with a virtual experience: In the museum a digitized 3D model of the POLARSTERN in original size of the ship appears. The museum guests can move it themselves, navigate to different areas and find out all there is to know about the research ship.
The exhibition area: a floor plan of the ship on a scale of 1:2
The digital exhibition contents are combined with real exhibits from the ship. Ice searchlights, research equipment, expedition clothing or personal memorabilia and photographs from 37 years of research voyages tell the story of the ship. The entire exhibition takes place on a floor plan of the POLARSTERN on a scale of 1:2. After visiting the exhibition, the Polarlounge invites you to linger and take part in several activities.
Opening hours: Until 15.11. daily 10 - 18 Uhr, 16.11. - 14.03. Tues. - Sun. 10 - 18 Uhr
Admission: 6 Euro, concessions 3 Euro
An exhibition with the kind support of: Leibniz Research Museums Action Plan, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Förderverein Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum, Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Senator for Science, Health and Consumer Protection, Nordsee-Zeitung, Playersjourney, Radio Bremen / Bremen Zwei, Seestadt Bremerhaven
A project supported by the joint action plan of the Leibniz Research Museums
Museum Director Sunhild Kleingärtner about the new special exhibition
"We want to combine historical exhibits with digital knowledge transfer and make maritime research an experience."
The special exhibition on the research vessel POLARSTERN is newly opened. The managing director of the German Maritime Museum, Prof. Dr. Sunhild Kleingärtner, cordially invites interested visitors.