"Der Zahn der Gezeiten" – Maritime treasures under the spotlight
In our special exhibition we took a closer look at 13 large exhibits in need of restoration. It was shown how cultural heritage is preserved for future generations and how its history is studied. At the end of the special exhibition on Sunday, the 16th of December 2018, we showed historical photographs of German whaling and gave an outlook on the upcoming topics for 2019.
At the finissage of the special exhibition „Der Zahn der Gezeiten" (literally translated: The Tooth of the Tide) - Maritime Treasures under the Spotlight", the emphasis was on ''film'' as cultural heritage. It showed historical photographs of German whaling in the Antarctic from the late 1930s. After the presentation, Niels Hollmeier (DSM), Jens Ruppenthal (DSM) and Daniel Tilgner (Landesfilmarchiv Bremen) discussed the importance of film as a cultural asset and analysed the film scenes shown..
After the discussion, exhibits from the field of whaling and historical film were given a closer look and the special exhibition could be visited for the last time. Our research and restoration work does not end with this exhibition, however, but will continue in 2019. Starting in April, the live restoration of the first German tidal calculator from 1915/16 is planned. We are also looking forward to many new and exciting topics and events in the museum in the coming year. On 26 January, for example, the online exhibition "City, Country, Exhibit. On the tracks of early modern colonies" will be launched. A special highlight will be the upcoming special exhibition in late spring 2019, where we will present the current possibilities of virtual augmented reality applications. Be curious!
To the current topics
We wish all visitors a happy and relaxing holiday and a good start into the new year 2019!
- The Team of the German Maritime Museum

On Sunday, 16 december 2018 at 11 am the finissage of the special exhibition took place. Historical film footage of the Walter Rau fishing fleet from the 1930s was shown.
More about the cultural heritage year
-Joint programme of the Leibniz Association for the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018
The Leibniz Research Museums are accompanying the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018 with a joint programme
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Actions for the cultural heritage year 2018
Our offer around the special exhibition "Der Zahn der Gezeiten - Maritime Treasures under the Spotlight" from 19th August to 15th December 2018 read more