Promoting young researchers
We place great value on promoting young researchers. Doctoral candidates link objects and research themes, and contribute to the international and interdisciplinary integration of our activities
Keeping research on our oldest main object – the Bremen cog – alive: this is only possible thanks to our doctoral candidates. But dissertation projects are carried out here on themes other than the "Bremen cog", too. Doctoral candidates also contribute greatly to all areas of our "People & the Sea" exhibition and research programme. They also dedicate themselves to important interdisciplinary themes, for example through the evaluation of market-based processes.
What does it mean to work in a Leibniz research museum as a doctoral candidate? It means to benefit from the lively connections between the university and museum, for example through an active integration in teaching projects. It also means getting to know and actively testing exhibitions as forms of scientific dissemination alongside "classic" formats of scientific communication such as print and conference contributions. This way, objects and spaces become fundamental heuristic means in the "doctorate workshop".
How is doctoral training at the DSM structured?
The themes of the dissertation projects are based on the "People & the Sea" exhibition and research project. The are coordinated with the Scientific Council and the Directorate before implementation. The projects should run over three years: a scientific evaluation takes place after the end of the second year.
The doctoral candidates are in our committees and represent thematically-relevant work groups. They are also tasked with regularly participating in further development and with seeking overseas placement. One particular characteristic of the doctoral training lies in participation in the POLMAR graduate school which is organised by the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research. This institute provides fundamental insights into working techniques in natural scientific working methodology and research themes, and thus represents a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary networking.
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