German Maritime Museum attracts visitors with free admission in its anniversary year

The German Maritime Museum (DSM) / Leibniz Institute of Maritime History is celebrating its 50th birthday in the new year and is thanking its guests with gifts: children and young people under the age of 18 will enjoy free admission from January 1. The ships in the museum harbor open on March 15 and can be visited free of charge by all guests. The museum also hosts highlight events throughout the year.

Half a century of the DSM - that's something to celebrate and there are gifts - in this case for the guests: children and young people up to the age of 18 can visit the museum free of charge. With the start of the summer season in the museum harbor, all guests, regardless of age, can visit the harbor tug STIER, the deep-sea salvage tug SEEFALKE and - brand new - the lightship ELBE 3 free of charge from March 15. Only the whaler RAU IX, which is moored at the outpost in the New Harbor, will require an entrance fee. In its birthday year, the aim is to encourage young visitors in particular to discover the fascinating world of ships and the museum harbor.

“With this initiative, we want to enable children and young people from all walks of life to visit the museum. Our relationship with the ocean is important now, but will become even more relevant in the future,” explains Prof. Dr. Ruth Schilling, Director of the German Maritime Museum. “Our wish for the 50th is that as many people as possible become aware of the great value of the oceans for all of us and reflect critically on their actions.”

A ceremony on September 5, 2025 marks the actual 'birthday'. On that day, half a century ago, the Cog Hall and the Scharoun Building were opened.With a “Night of the Deep Sea” on November 8 and a special exhibition on 100 years of the METEOR expedition, which will open on June 25 on Seafarers' Day, there will be highlight events throughout the year. The METEOR expedition not only revolutionized marine research, but also made a significant contribution to our understanding of the oceans.

The DSM invites all families to take advantage of the new offers from January and share unforgettable experiences together.

New admission prices from January, adults 10 euros, concessions 5 euros, children and young people up to 18 years free, opening hours in the winter season: Tuesdays to Sundays from 10 am to 6 pm.The ships in the museum harbor will reopen on March 15, 2025.


Dr. Jessica Adolf

0471 482 07 832

Credit: DSM



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