Historical background
Kleiner Kreuzer SMS ELBING Copyright: WZ-Bilddienst
SMS ELBING was part of the 2nd Scouting Group (II. Aufklärungsgruppe) commanded by Contre-Admiral Bödicker, beginning 28.03.1916. His flagship was SMS FRANKFURT. The ELBING was commanded by frigate captain Madlung and sank during the Battle of Skagerrak (31.05. to 01.06.1916). The ship secured together with B 109, B 110 and B 111 the portside flank of the 1st Scouting Group (I. Aufklärungsflotte). ELBING fought against GALATEA and PHAETON at 15:32, both ships were part of British 1st Light Cruiser Squadron. Around 19:00 2nd Scouting Group met unexpectedly with British Grand Fleet. ELBING was hit several times during this battle. During the night, the German Imperial Fleet went back south and the ELBING headed together with other ships on portside of the 1st Scouting Group (I. Aufklärungsgruppe). During this time ELBING, ROSTOCK, STUTTGART and HAMBURG met the British IV. Destroyer- Flotilla. Torpedo shoots forced ELBING to an evasive manoeuvre which led to a collision with POSEN at 01:30. The POSEN was a Line Ship in the 1st Squadron (I. Geschwader). This collision caused a breakdown of the rudder and power engine. Also it caused a leakage which lead to lap-side. Power engine was repaired and ELBING could slowly follow the fleet. 02:55 the S 53 came to help ELBING, whose rudder had broken down again. After that 477 crew member from ELBING were transferred to S 53. FKpt Madlung, the 1st Officer, the Torpedo Officer and a demolition squad stayed on Board the ELBING. Around 03:00 British ships were sighted and the remaining crew members left the ELBING with dingies, shortly before the ship was blasted by demolition squad. The Germans also saved some crew members from the British TIPPERAY. All survivors were saved shortly after by a Dutch trawler and brought to the Danish coast.
E. Gröner, Die deutschen Kriegsschiffe 1815 - 1945. Panzerschiffe, Linienschiffe, Schlachtschiffe, Flugzeugträger, Kreuzer, Kanonenboote, Bd. 1 (München 1982).
H. Hildebrandt/ A. Röhr/ H.-O. Steinmetz, Die deutschen Kriegsschiffe. Biographien, ein Spiegel der Marinegeschichte von 1815 bis zur Gegenwart, Bd. 2 (Herford 1980).
G. Koop/ K.-P. Schmolke, Kleine Kreuzer 1903-1918 (BREMEN- bis CÖLN-Klasse) (Bonn 2004).
R. Scheer, Deutschlands Hochseeflotte im Weltkrieg. Persönliche Erinnerungen (Berlin 1919).

Copyright: Sea War Museum Jutland and JD-Contractor AS
Multi-Beam Scan from Wrack der SMS ELBING