Access for all - accessibility
We are committed to make this website accessible. This declaration of accessibility is required by the Bremisches Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz (BremBGG). The technical requirements for accessibility are defined in BITV 2.0.
This accessibility statement is valid for the website of the German Maritime Museum at https://www.dsm.museum.
How accessible is this website?
This website is currently not accessible. The requirements of BITV 2.0 are not followed. We strive to fix this in a future update of our website.
The technical review of accessibility was performed on 28.11.2022 by a self assessment of the German Maritime Museum.
When was this statement of accessibility created?
This statement was created or edited on 28.11.2022.
Do you want to report accessibility barriers? (Feedback)
We like to always improve our service. Please share your issues and questions regarding digital accessibility with us by mail:
Contact of Zentralstelle für barrierefreie Informationstechnik
If your contact request with this public institute was unsuccessful you can contact the Zentralstelle für barrierefreie Informationstechnik. These also provide access further information on the enforcement of this requirement.